


Amidst Apple iWatch rumors and Google Glass sightings, it would appear that Google is actually working on its own smartwatch to be paired alongside connected Android devices. According to the Financial Times, Google’s Android arm will be the team working on the device, as opposed to the X Lab division, which handled Google Glass development.

Via : Google Rumored To Be Making A Smartwatch, Too | TechCrunch

Financial TimesによればグーグルはGoggle GlassとともにBluetooth接続によるAndoroidを中心としたウェアラブルコンピューティングを推進し様々なデバイスを開発しているということです。

You didn’t think Google was going to sit the smartwatch party out, did you? Since the Pebble watch made a splash at CES, we’ve gotten word that both Apple and Samsung are busy working on wearable tech that will talk to our mobile phones. It should come as no surprise then to find out that Google is now exploring the market with a watch based off its Android operating system. There’s no date on when to expect these watches, but for now you can read reviews of ones that have already hit the market. Here are our thoughts on the Pebble and the Martian smartwatches.

Via : Google smartwatch in the works? | CNET Update – CNET News


When asked about the smartwatch rumor, a Google spokesperson told ABC News that the company “doesn’t comment on rumors or speculation.”

Via : Watch Out! Google Working on Smartwatch Too, Say Sources – ABC News

Fossilのwell-crafted MetaWatch、 InPulseのPebbleなど人気上昇の兆しがあり、ナイキもFuelBandでスポーツ用を提案、サムスンもスマートウォッチの開発を発表しています。

Pebble Kickstarter Video from Pebble Technology on Vimeo.



