
スティーブ・ウォズニアック氏iPhone 4Sゲット行列先頭に並んでいた

iPhone 4S発売日、米国カリフォルニア州ロスガトスのアップルストアの先頭はなんとスティーブ・ウォズニアック氏だったそうです。



Via : CNN.co.jp:アップル共同創業者ウォズニアック氏、iPhone4S確保で列に一番乗り


こちらが、その日のウォズ氏の TechCrunch TV のインタビュー

Steve Wozniak likes to be the first person in line to buy the latest Apple products. This evening, the Apple co-founder and designer of the Apple I and II, was #1 on line outside the Apple store in Los Gatos, California to get the iPhone 4S. He tweeted about it and he’ll be staying up all night. TechCrunch TV caught up with Woz and asked him why he does it. He explains what feature the new phone has that will change his life. Woz also tells us why “search engines should be replaced by answer engines.”

Via : Steve Wozniak On How The iPhone 4S Will Change His Life (TCTV) | TechCrunch

